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Although sometimes I don't feel as strong as you paint me. Just touching base. Hope things are looking up for you. Did you go to counseling? Seek some for yourself if anything. Good to hear that your husband has commenced treatment. Just when he's recovering from a breakdown he's now having to find the mental strength to get through his diagnosis.

That must be so taxing on him. But his secret was clearly making him sick, and it's taken a big toll on his body. Your head must be spinning a bit. You must be in a bit of disbelief as to the path your life has taken. But I think what's great is that you haven't given up on life. And neither has your husband. You haven't resigned.

You said that this situation is 'common', and I agree. But I think it is much more common to continue hiding it, burying it, and conforming. People do not want to lose their secure base. Some of the gay men I have met in this situation, I feel, confuse love with gratitude. They've said "but I love my wife so much, maybe I can just remain living like this" She's provided safety, security, a shield from judgement and a nurturing place where you don't have to be an outsider and a part of an minority group.

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You get to meld in, while you fortify yourself behind her, and experience all the benefits of social acceptance. Sounds pretty snug and cosy to me. But the reality is Ruby you deserve more than this. If you're with someone romantically, you deserve to know that they reciprocate all of those deep feelings, attraction and desire in its totality. Not just the stuff of family and comfort, while your partners mind is wandering off fantasising about the same sex.

Grief and loss are some of the hardest emotions anyone has to face in a lifetime. Some do it better than others. But I reckon you guys will be Ok, and acceptance will come in time.

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I agree that our situations are very common, more than people realise and being on these forums are a great sense of support for us all. Hi again. After my first post, being supportive, optimistic and friends. Things have turned into a horror movie. After my posts Then he spent about 3 months moving in and out of my bed.

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A night alone and then back to my bed. This totally screwed with my head I kept thinking, he is bi, ok we can work with this, maybe we can un marry civil or just see what happens. BUT this changed. New year he begged me to go with him to his parents for family get together. I confronted him, he denied, told me I hacked account and any other excuse. While we did this he got son to video this. In the morning he was sad, but I could not touch him, years of dishonesty and lies.

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Physical, emotional and financial abuse that I hoped he would work through with me, I thought he loved me, even if we were not be together. I thought he respected me, even if he did not love me. A day later I tried to suicide. So uhhhh. Your self esteem was at 0 months ago and it's only got worse. You deserve so much more than this, and you can find love with someone else.

I understand what it feels like to be used and left in the dust like a fool. I was told that the women I loved had separated from her husband, that she has never loved him, that she has been miserable for years and that it was a business marriage centred around their careers. All it was was lies she spun me, and their built up resentment festered over years, because from day 1 of their relationship they have had intimacy problems. I was the temporary plug to their intimacy problems. But what I've realised is that the people that do that, don't even care.

They don't even think about you. They're self focused and have always been self focused, and while I thought she was different to her husband, I have realised they think the same way and are built the same. That's why they were drawn to one another. I did not even receive a lousy text message saying I am sorry. She had the nerve to say I instigated the end of our romance, when really, I did what she was about to do anyway, I could see it.

I'm a once bitten twice shy kind of person and don't bounce back very easily, so I understand struggling and the deep hurt you're feeling. Her timing could not have been worse. I met her when my spirit was completely broken anyway and she kicked it to the curb and spat on it. I think you are there too. Sorry to be blunt, but I think your husband sounds really self centred. My friend was telling me how her beloved partner was burnt before she met her. I have named ppl like this iSexual. They are inherently selfish ppl, generally not affectionate or warm, not particularly interested in intimacy at all, but don't give a damn if its a women or a man they're dating, as long as it is one or the other with the fattest wallet, the nicest house, the flashiest car.

She essenitially faked being bisexual to ensure she got the most money. She was not into women at all. She was a gold digger. How on earth you could do that to a person is beyond me. He is an adult. Please pardon me for coming late to your thread, however reading though it I see an honest and caring person being driven so far as to want to kill herself.

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You wanted you temper under control, you wanted to help your then partner, you were human, considerate and kind. Sadly it was not a two way thing. I'm not talking abut his sexual disposition, I'm talking about kindness, consideration and trying to make life as good for the other as circumstances allow. None of these have been shown by your ex partner who has simply followed his own inclinations, no matter how hurt you are as a result, or how much his actions poison your childrens' attitudes.

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If it was me I'd not let the association continue. He needs to be ejected from your life. You have enough greif, loss and self doubt without him twisting your emotions all the time with off again on again, or blatantly seeking assignations. As many have told you trying to deal with this by yourself is terribly hard. Can I suggest you seek medical help and please don't minimize the harm or trying to take your life and also an organization that is used to the disasters under which families end: Relationships Australia would be good. For those times of despair the Suicide Call Back Service is knowledgeable, professional, understanding and can be a comfort.

Excuse me rattling off phone numbers, they are there for you and contacting them is both expected and no bit deal. Being in isolation is a hard way to cope, may I ask if you have any family or freinds who care abut you and want to help? You mentioned anger. For me anger has lent me strength to continue and behave in ways I thought I was incapable. It is often good.

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Thanks for the support. Since posting I have kicked him out- it needed police to remove him as he was so sure he could use the 'marriage' for image and 'separated' status to allow him free rein on his responsibility to family and respecting sharing a home with some one. He refused to move his clothes out of walk in robe, kept using the ensuite and even walking in underwear to get his clothes - basically giving up nothing of personal space of marriage.

After finding his Badoo account that was sending notifications to our sons phone, me finding pictures of sexual acts- I was shattered.