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Great Britain's exiles sent to Port Phillip, Australia, 1844-1849: Lord Stanley's experiment

Toorak police report she is the former mistress of someone unnamed and now soliciting. REID, G. She left him a month after they were married. Report states probably named May and Nellie and gives details.

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Police are called and a detailed report is compiled. Registered herself, but should have been within 3 days, so reported to police. She lives apart from her husband, has 3 other children. Writes strange letters to police headquarters in She writes several letters asking police help re maintenance. Report on case. Husband Philip of Richmond refuses to pay burial costs. Death certificate of Christopher Renter on file, but this is a different person. No trace. Only known relative is daughter Laura who lives in West Brompton London.

File re disposal of assets. He was for many years an employee of the Melbourne Tramway Co.

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File relates to notifying family, his release etc. Sought by brother G. Was in the employ of Dr. SMITH in Very detailed file notes. RICE, A. Now wants his son back. RICE, G. In letters claim he is trading after hours etc. Portland near Port Adelaide, in ; he has not supporter her and their 3 children for some years.

Douce was playing the maloden [mandolin? The couple return to Tasmania, but leave again. Toorak, , brutally attacked at night; uncle reported case to police, and asked that it be kept out of newspapers, but Herald published details. A suspect was bought in for identification, but her parents refuse to allow her to attend the police station. Inquest and report on case. Very sad case.

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He was 39 years, native of North Wales, left in , last heard of in Evidence of 40 witnesses listed. Complaints by A. Anonymous complaint in re Sunday trading. Discharged 3 months later and sailed with husband to Singapore. She then wrote a 29 page letter detailing her grievances and treatment. She was born in New Jersey, was 40 years old and previously was in the Malay States. Mrs Jane Rickie of Richmond asks help to get their possessions sent to her.

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Returned, but ran away again. A very detailed report of her activities. In wife took out warrant for failure to pay maintenance at Kyneton; he was believed to be in Fremantle. Parents live in Tasmania. Concerned about her welfare. Discharged from Eye and Ear Hospital in as incurable. In wished to return to the hospital and asked police to arrange train trip from north east. Discussion re costs involved revealed that he was being maintained by his brother, a solicitor in Castle Pollard, West Meath Ireland.

RILEY, Florence, Brighton, alleged in that she was assaulted by a railway man after she declined to sign a loyalty petition at a public meeting, but investigation showed she was hit by her husband Charles Lincoln Riley. Two different photos of him on file; is 18 years, born NSW. Interstate police asked to help with his background. A large file, mostly copies of testimonies. Innell, the proprietor of the boarding house, complaining of the actions of police when investigating a robbery there. A boarder, Mrs H. A very detailed report is given.

He left her 12 years ago, believed near Colac. They were married at Forbes in Found, an alcoholic. They ask for details of his character; is a son of ex Sgt Timothy Riordan, his mother is in Hawthorn. They are destitute.

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  • Great Britain's exiles sent to Port Phillip, Australia, 1844-1849: Lord Stanley's experiment!
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Anonymous letter in from Hillston NSW, claiming that she left there for Melbourne to give birth and have the child killed. Child found in Foundling Home. Her daughter Mrs. LEWIS and her two children were with them. Large file re his alleged incest on daughters Mabel and Helena Ann at Pakenham in List 2. Traced to Qld. Deniliquin police enquire about her and her illegitimate child in ; she is a housemaid in Melbourne. Not her. Police attempt to find him in Several letters from him; addicted to drink.

Son is a baker. File re attempts to recover body. She and daughter Ruby left there in and went to Melbourne; he has been sending money but has now stopped. Police interview Mary Ann Terrill who explains the connection. She and her 8 year daughter Elizabeth were living with Roberts.

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Copy of birth certificate on file and discussion on possible prosecution. His brother William lived in Ballarat. German Consul asks police in to confirm birth of her illegitimate daughter Margaretta Ettie in He is 48 years, English, and they have been married for 23 years. PARK, in Information sought by his mother in Hawthorn in He was 28 years, last heard of interstate. Lands officer at Sale, writes suicide note and believed to have drowned himself, Wife at East Brunswick, brother Gilbert at Preston. File of 9 pages includes press cutting. Believes she is being used for immoral purposes; Mrs.

Simpson running a pub. Police find Simpson caring for her after she has had a child. In charged with perjury over false registration of births. A large file, List Charged with bigamy in Copy of first marriage certificate on file. Arlies, Claremont W. His wife and he have disappeared. Incomplete file. His unnamed brother had died some years ago, leaving a wife and young son; the wife has now died and the child needs support. Henry used to play bagpipes in hotels in Melbourne, and details of men who did this are given, but he is not found. He is fixated on electricity and had been in an asylum.